Effect of Fascial Manipulation with Conservative Management of Patellar Tendinopathy


  • Sumit Asthana Associate Professor & Head, Assistant Dean, E.I.A.H.Sc & R Era University, Lucknow
  • Arif Rizvi Assistant Professor, E.I.A.H.Sc & R, Era University Lucknow




Background and Purpose: The Fascial Manipulation along with conservative treatment is more beneficial than only conservative treatment. But there is no satisfactory physiological explanation for this. This study was performed on a small group. To establish the effectiveness of Fascial Manipulation along with conservative treatment in Jumper’s knee this should be done on a large group.

In the present study, the effectiveness of Fascial Manipulation along with conservative treatment in jumper’s knee was established till the end of the study. However there is a need of follow up further.

Study design: A pre-post experimental design was used in this study

Subjects: Thirty patellar tendons from 30patients with a long duration of pain from the proximal patellar tendon and referred to the physiotherapy and Orthopaedic Department were included in the study

Methods: visual analogue scale, which deals with pain and is a good functional rating system for active persons by Noyes FR et.al

Results: There are total 30 patients out of them there are 15 in group A and group Beach. The mean age of patients in group A is 28.33 with SD 3.15 while the mean age of patients in group B 30.66 is with SD 4.01. The student’s t-test shows that there is no significance difference in mean age of patients in two groups.

Conclusion: The Fascial Manipulation along with conservative treatment is more beneficial than only conservative treatment. In the present study, the effectiveness of Fascial Manipulation along with conservative treatment in jumper’s knee was established till the end of the study. However there is a need of follow up further.




How to Cite

Sumit Asthana, & Arif Rizvi. (2023). Effect of Fascial Manipulation with Conservative Management of Patellar Tendinopathy. International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.32553/ijmbs.v7i1.2679


